1、Yinghui LU, Shuilin WANG, Hao Jiang, Xiurun GE, A new optimization algorithm for inverse analysis to material parameters.Materials Science Forum Vols. 575-578, 2008, PP:1013-1019. EI。 2、Yinghui LU, Shuilin WANG, Hao Jiang, Xiurun GE, A new optimization algorithm and its application. Advanced Materials Research Vols. 33-37 in March 2008. EI。 3、呂穎慧,王水林,葛修潤,江浩,張紅亮。一個新的全局優化方法在岩土工程反分析中的應用,岩土力學,2008,29(6):1451-1454,EI。 4、Shuilin WANG, Yinghui LU, Yuyong JIAO, Chunguang LI, Stability analysis of cut rock slope with reinforcement by steel bolts. key engineering materials,Vols. 353-358,2007,SCI收錄。 5、呂穎慧,劉泉聲,胡雲華。基于花崗岩卸荷試驗的損傷變形特征及其強度準則,岩石力學與工程學報,2009,28(10):2096-2103。EI 6、呂穎慧,劉泉聲,江浩。基于高應力下花崗岩卸荷試驗的力學變形特性研究,岩土力學,2010,31(2):31-38。EI 7、LV Yinghui, LIU Quansheng. A new optimization method for non-linear inverse analysis, Proceedings of 2009 International Symposium on Risk Control and Management of Design, Construction and Operation in Underground Engineering(IRCM2009),October 20-22,2009,Dalian City, P.R.China. EI 8、LV Yinghui, LIU Quansheng. Study on plastic damage zone of surrounding rock in excavation. 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Engineering Plasticity and Its Applications, November 15-17,2010, Wuhan, China. (all accepted papers will be published in the International Journal of Modern Physics B(IJMPB) and will be indexed by SCI. SCI 9、LV Yinghui, LIU Quansheng. A Derivative-free filled function method for non-linear inverse analysis, Key Engineering Materials,待刊 (EI)。 10、呂穎慧,王水林,李春光,葛修潤。改進的DFP優化方法及其在位移反分析中的應用,岩土力學,2007,28(4):827-830,EI。 11、呂穎慧,張紅量,王水林。Newton下山法的改進及其應用,地下空間與工程學報,2006,5(2):793-795。 12、江浩,汪稔,呂穎慧。變化的DCD算法在岩土工程反分析中的應用,岩土力學增刊,2009年,8(30)S:282-286. EI。 13、張紅亮,王水林,呂穎慧,尹小濤。爆破振動效應的支持向量機分析預測,礦業研究與開發,2007,27(4):57-59。 14、江浩,汪稔,呂穎慧。鈣質砂中群樁模型試驗研究,岩石力學與工程學報,2010年第5期,EI。 15、江浩,汪稔,呂穎慧。鈣質砂中模型樁的試驗研究,岩土力學,2010年第3期。EI。 |