· 學術合著 1、 Cui, N., Xie, N., and Shi, X. Chapter 2: A Framework for Life-Cycle Sustainability Assessment of Road Salt Used in Winter Maintenance Operations. In X. Shi, L. Fu, Sustainable Winter Road Operations (Eds.), Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, April 2018, ISBN: 978-1-119-18506-2, 7-22. 2、 安實, 崔建勳, 崔娜. 道路交通應急區域疏散管理理論、方法與實踐. 科學出版社. 2014 · 期刊論文 1、Wang, J., Zheng, K., Cui, N.*, Cheng, X., Ren, K., Hou, P., Feng, L., Zhou, Z., and Xie, N. (2020). Green and Durable Lightweight Aggregate Concrete: The Role of Waste and Recycled Materials. Materials. Accepted. 2、Zheng, K., Guo, Z., Cui, N.*, Li, Q., and Feng, L. (2020). Effects of Graphene Oxide on the Hydration of Tricalcium Silicate. Ceramics Silikaty. Accepted. 3、Liu, Y., Cui, N., and Zhang, J. (2019). Integrated temporary facility location and casualty allocation planning for post-disaster humanitarian medical service. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 128, 1-16. (SCI) 4、劉晗, 王健, 安實, 崔娜. 超立方體排隊均衡的衛星消防站選址調度優化. 交通運輸系統工程與信息, 2018, 18(2): 201-207.(EI) 5、朱江華, 崔娜*, 朱慶, 侯樹展. 服務失效情況下可靠的物流園區選址模型. 402永利手机版网址學報(自然科學版), 2019, 33(2): 21-27. 6、An, S., Cui, N., Bai, Y., Xie, W., Chen, M., and Ouyang, Y. (2015). Reliable Emergency Service Facility Location under Facility Disruption, En-Route Congestion and In-Facility Queuing. Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review, 82, 199-216. (SCI) 7、An, S., Cui, N., Li, X., and Ouyang, Y. (2013). Location Planning for Transit-Based Evacuation under the Risk of Service Disruptions. Transportation Research Part B, 54: 1-16. (SCI) 8、Wang, J., Liu, H., An, S., and Cui, N. (2016). A new partial coverage locating model for cooperative fire services. Information Sciences, 373:527-538. (SCI) 9、An, S., Yang, H., Wang, J., Cui, N., and Cui, J. (2016). Mining urban recurrent congestion evolution patterns from GPS-equipped vehicle mobility data. Information Sciences, 373:515-526. (SCI) 10、Cui, N. and Shi, X. (2015). Improved User Experience and Scientific Understanding of Anti-Icing and Pre-Wetting for Winter Roadway Maintenance in North America. ASCE Construction Institute Special Publication: Environmental Sustainability in Transportation Infrastructure, 104-119 11、Cui, N., Fay, L., and Shi, X. (2015). Review on the Toxicological Effects of Chloride-Based Deicers: Impacted Environments and Assessment Methods. ASCE Construction Institute Special Publication: Environmental Sustainability in Transportation Infrastructure, 256-271 12、崔娜*, 崔建勳, 安實. 台風災害下無車群體應急疏散決策行為分析. 中國公路學報. 2014, 27(2), 98-104. (EI) 13、安實, 崔娜*, 崔建勳. 應急疏散條件下的家庭集聚行為仿真研究. 華南理工大學學報(自然科學版), 2010, 38(10): 94-99. (EI) 14、安實, 崔娜*, 于航. 基于Multi-agent協商的出行信息個性化服務策略. 西南交通大學學報, 2010, 45(4): 627-634. (EI) 15、安實, 崔娜*, 王健, 謝秉磊. 基于多智能體協商的駕駛員路徑選擇行為仿真研究. 系統仿真學報, 2010, 22(8):1890-1894 16、崔建勳, 安實, 崔娜. 基于時間擴展網絡的區域疏散公交路徑規劃. 華南理工大學學報(自然科學版), 2010, 38(3): 64-69. (EI) 17、崔建勳, 安實, 崔娜. 基于元胞傳輸模型的區域疏散動态交通分配. 哈爾濱工業大學學報,2010, 42(1): 123-127. (EI) 18、安實, 李靜, 崔娜*. ATIS環境下通勤者逐日出行路徑更換行為仿真研究. 吉林大學學報(工學版), 2009, 39(3): 587-592. (EI) · 會議論文 1、Bai, H., Yu, L., Zhang, T., Xie, D., and Cui, N.* (2018). Locating Speed Limit Signs for Freeway Tunnel Entrance and Exit. ASCE International Conference on Transportation & Development, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,July 2018, 377-386. (EI) 2、Hou, S., He, Y., Bao, X., and Cui, N. (2018). Evaluation of Vehicle-Road Suitability Analysis on Highway by Accident OR Comparison. The 18th COTA conference International Conference of Transportation Professionals (CICTP2018), Beijing, July 2018, 2003-2011. (EI) 3、An, S., Cui, N.*, Wang, J., and Yu, H. (2011). Simulation and Analysis of Emergency Routing Planning Based on Vulnerability Identification of Urban Transportation Network. Transportation and Development Institute Congress, 2011: 1188-1205. (EI) 4、An, S., Cui, N.*, and Wang, J. (2009). Modeling and Simulating Household Evacuation Behaviors for Large Scale Evacuation Network Clearance Time Estimates. International Conference on Transportation Engineering 2009, 345: 4134-4139. (EI) 5、An, S., Cui, N.*, and Wang, J. (2008). Simulation and Analysis of Route Guidance Strategy Based on a Multi-agent-game Approach. International Conference on Management Science and Engineering, 2008: 140-146. (EI) · 會議報告 1、Liu, J., Qi, Y., Cui, N., and Bergner, D. Optimized Route to Clear Diverging Diamond Interchange Using Discreet Optimization Method. The 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 2020. 2、Cui, N., Morris, P., Fay L., and Liu, X. Refining Return on Investment Methodology/Tool for MnPASS: Literature Review. The 97th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 2018. 3、Cui, N., Qi, Y., and Berger, D. A Survey on the Current Practices in Clearing Various Interchange and Intersection Configurations. The 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 2017 4、Liu, H., Wang, J., and Cui, N. Cooperative Hypercube Queuing Model and Its Configuration Optimization for Emergency Service System. The 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 2017 5、Cui, N., and Shi, X. Life-cycle Sustainability Assessment of Highway Winter Maintenance Operations. International Symposium on Systematic Approaches to Environmental Sustainability in Transportation, Fairbanks, August 2015 6、Cui, N., Fay, L., and Shi, X. Review on the Toxicological Effects of Chloride Based Deicers: Impacted Environments and Assessment Methods. International Symposium on Systematic Approaches to Environmental Sustainability in Transportation, Fairbanks, August 2015 7、Cui, N., and Shi, X. Improved User Experience and Scientific Understanding of Anti-icing and Pre-wetting for Winter Maintenance in North America. The 94th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 2015 8、Cui, N., An, S., Bai, Y., Xie, W., Chen, M., and Ouyang, Y. Reliable Facility Location Design under Service Disruption, En-Route Congestion and In-Facility Waiting. The 16th INFORMS Annual Meeting, San Francisco, November 2014 9、Cui, N., An, S., Li, X., and Ouyang, Y. Reliable Pickup Location for Transit-Based Evacuation under the Risk of Service Disruption. The 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January 2012 10、Cui, N., An, S., Li, X., and Ouyang, Y. Emergency Rescue Location Planning under the Risk of Probabilistic Disruptions. The 13th INFORMS Annual Meeting, Charlotte, November 2011 11、Cui, N., An, S., Wang, J., and Yu, H. Simulation and analysis of emergency routing planning based on vulnerability identification of urban transportation network. The 1st Congress of the Transportation and Development Institute of ASCE, Chicago, March 2011 · 軟件著作權 1、數識綠通車檢測系統V1.0,2019.8.16,中國,2019SR0854267 2、應急區域疏散規劃決策支持系統V1.0,2017.6.16,中國,2017SR272303 · 發明專利 1、崔娜,楊培建,白翰. 基于地面燈闆的交叉口車輛引導輔助信号控制系統及方法,2020.05.05,中國,ZL201810393181.7 2、白翰,張桐,謝豆豆,趙景春,崔娜,于樂美. 一種基于可移動虛拟信号的交通溢流預協調方法, 2019.10.11, 中國,ZL201710277452.8 3、白翰,張桐,馮啟龍,崔娜. 一種消除起動損失時間的進口道設計與信号優化方法, 2019.10.11, 中國,ZL201710264343.2 |